Down with the Queen (Lilith's Shadow Book 2) Read online

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  “Hmm…” Pauline didn’t reply immediately and her sister glanced at her.

  “Sis, are you really considering this? It’ll put you in severe danger if anything goes wrong!” Maureen demanded. “This is nothing like the type of job we were expecting.”

  “There are a few questions I’d have to ask before I’d be comfortable taking on the job, but I’m not sure it doesn’t meet the requirements we had. So long as we aren’t expected to do anything too dangerous, which it doesn’t sound like would happen, I don’t feel that the job is impossible.” Pauline replied, looking at Eve. “Considering what you’re asking, how do you expect to capture Blooming Orchid? You must know that our powers require touching her for a time.”

  “An excellent question. Hypergizmo’s security around Ocean Shield’s computer systems is quite solid, but Blooming Orchid’s personal computer has been neglected by comparison, and I have her itinerary for her trip to Hawaii.” Eve explained, smiling brightly as she continued. “As for disabling her, that will be my own task.”

  “That would make things easier, but the job is riskier than your initial offer suggested it was,” Pauline said, looking at her sister.

  “Exactly,” Maureen agreed, frowning and then nodding. “I’m not happy about it, but if Pauline agrees, I’ll help. If you want us to do this, you’ll have to double the payment. One quarter up front, half on successful replacement, and the remaining quarter once we’re done.”

  “That’s quite reasonable,” Eve agreed, nodding as she filed the information away. The doctor would be pleased to come in under budget for the mission, and she smiled more gently as she asked, “If you don’t mind, I’ll grab the paperwork, then we can start going over details.”

  The two nodded and Eve got up, briskly heading for the door. Their efficiency pleased her.

  Chapter 1

  Friday, December 20th, 2030

  SuperNet HQ, San Francisco

  Lilith stepped into the room and paused, looking around dubiously. The room had several chairs, a table with a penholder, a power outlet in the wall, and a second door opposite her entrance. Otherwise it was bare and plain white, reminding her rather unpleasantly of the room where she’d been interviewed by the police for a few hours, even if it was slightly less sterile than the other one had been. At the very least, the lights weren’t as harsh.

  “Is something wrong?” Gina asked, slipping around Lilith, and Lilith quickly moved out of her way, giving her friend an apologetic look. Gina hadn’t bothered trying to hide the bright blue of her lips today, and her skin now had a faint blue undertone to it, far different than it’d possessed just a few days before. Her friend had pulled her blonde hair back for the visit and was wearing a white tracksuit, looking as though she was dressed for a jog or something.

  “Sorry, I just… this reminds me of the police station a bit, so it feels a little… uncomfortable. At least at first glance,” Lilith explained as Rachel entered the room. Rachel was a bit taller than Gina but shorter than Lilith and was comparatively petite. She’d dressed more casually than usual, with jeans and a black blouse. Her raven hair was in a ponytail and she glanced at Lilith in amusement.

  “It isn’t that similar, is it?” Rachel asked gently. “I’ve been in a few of those rooms myself, and I always feel like a lab specimen when I’m inside.”

  “I don’t know…” Gina murmured, looking around still more, her lips pursed. “I can see what Lilith means. The table isn’t that different, and both feel kind of unwelcoming.”

  “That’s exactly it,” Lilith agreed, relieved that she wasn’t reacting that unusually. “Yes, it feels a little like a lab, but I expect that when they’re going to be testing my powers. Maybe it’s just me drawing associations with recent events, though. The last few days have been unusually eventful.”

  “Well, that would probably do it. From everything I’ve seen, this is about normal for one of SuperNet’s interview rooms. They could make them more comfortable, but I suspect the design is on purpose.” Rachel replied, nodding in understanding. Stepping closer to Lilith, she laid a hand on her shoulder as she continued. “We’re here with you, don’t worry.”

  The other door opened and a woman stepped into the room, smiling at them as she did so. The woman was a little taller than Rachel, and her brown hair fell to her shoulders. She wore a dark blue suit, but the most striking thing about her was both her youth and brilliant silver eyes. Lilith blinked in some surprise because the woman’s irises were literally a bright, glowing silver, something she hadn’t been warned about.

  “Hello, ladies. I’m Allison Gambry. I must say I’m amused to see so many of you as I only had an appointment with Lilith. Though I do recognize Gina and Rachel by reputation,” the woman said, smiling as she glanced at the two women flanking Lilith. Realizing how it might look, Lilith opened her mouth to speak, but Rachel beat her to it.

  “Our apologies, Ms. Gambry. I’m sorry we came along unannounced, but we learned that Lilith’s powers were somewhat… more expansive than originally anticipated, and that they were linked to the two of us somehow.” Rachel explained politely. “After considering the situation, we thought it best to come along with her, since she’s here at our request.”

  “I see. That does explain your presence, and while it was unexpected, it isn’t a problem,” Allison replied, and looked back at Lilith, her eyes flicking downward to examine Lilith carefully. A moment later, she smiled and spoke softly as she extended a hand. “You’re certainly an interesting one, aren’t you? I’m pleased to meet you at last, Ms. Carpenter. I’ve heard interesting things about you.”

  “You have?” Lilith asked, blinking in surprise as she shook the woman’s hand. Allison had a firm grip but wasn’t trying to test her. “I didn’t think that Gina or Rachel had talked about me much.”

  “They haven’t, at least not with me. I was advised to come out here by a rather important client of mine. They direct me to where they believe I’ll encounter superhumans who need my assistance, or whose powers might interest me,” Allison explained, releasing Lilith’s hand and looking at Gina and Rachel as she added, “Don’t worry, I don’t share information about those I help with my client. It simply helps me to know where I’ll be of most use.”

  “Hmm, I suppose that explains why you were in San Francisco. We were curious when we heard that Lilith would be meeting with you,” Gina said, nodding slowly. “You’re rather famous, at least in our circles. Insight, isn’t it?”

  “Please, don’t use that name. I find it incredibly silly,” Allison replied, visibly wincing as she moved to the chair nearest the door she’d come through, gesturing to the other seats. “If you’d like, please be seated. Or stand, if that’s your preference.”

  Lilith nodded, slipping into the center chair, and a moment later her two friends sat in the others. Clearing her throat, Lilith spoke hesitantly. “May I ask what the testing will entail? I know I signed up for the power test, but how we’d go about that wasn’t clear to me. There’s a lot of contradictory information on the internet, I’m afraid.”

  “There would be, in large part because very, very few superhumans are the same. Oh, some have similar powers, most commonly those which have simple enhanced strength and toughness or spellcasters, but even they vary between individuals, and not just in how much of a boost their powers grant,” Allison explained, settling back in her chair as she continued. “For instance, most superhumans have a degree of strength amplification that multiplies their natural strength to some degree, but how it manifests can vary. I know of some which have strength that’s closer to touch-based telekinetic powers, and others where they massively increase their muscle mass. Even if their overall strength is the same, each can be different, and the tests we run are customized to the individual because of it.”

  “Ah. That does explain some of my confusion, though it raises a host of other questions,” Lilith murmured, frowning slightly. “I doubt I’d know where to begin such testing.”
  “I doubt that, but that isn’t why I’m here. I’m here to analyze your powers. You’re going to be sent through an intense battery of physical tests, which will tell us a great deal to begin with. Fortunately, my power allows me to glean much more from observation than most people could. Your captivation field has its own quirks, for instance.” Allison’s eyes were almost eerie as she stared at Lilith intently. “Your ability is quite powerful, but it wasn’t difficult to learn that, while it functions through surveillance cameras, it doesn’t affect AIs or function if I’m viewing a recording of you. Another item of interest is that while it affected everyone else you’ve encountered in the building, it doesn’t affect Gina or Rachel.”

  “What? That doesn’t make sense because I’ve experienced her power before,” Rachel interjected, glancing at Lilith incredulously. “I know I have, and the most powerful experience was just yesterday.”

  Allison shook her head at Gina to cut her off, raising a finger as she spoke. “While it may have influenced you before, the only time the two of you focused on Lilith was when you were speaking to her or watching her on your trip into the building, unlike nearly everyone else in your path. Even here, once I entered the room you’ve barely glanced at her, and only when you seemed concerned about her. I’m not saying there isn’t a link between you and her, mind you, because there certainly is. The fact is that the field appears to be psychic in nature, and since you appear to be linked to her, however so tenuously, it doesn’t affect you the same way it affects others.”

  “What do you mean, that the link is tenuous?” Lilith asked, looking at her friends as she continued. “I knew there was a link between us before this. I can sense the direction they’re in, though I have no idea just how far it might extend. For all I know, it could stop working after a few miles.”

  “I call it tenuous because it appears that it could be easily broken by you, or by Gina or Rachel if they so desired. It’s different than the majority of psychic links, which are extremely difficult to break once formed. It’s rather fascinating, really,” Allison replied, leaning forward in her chair again. “Since you know about the link, what can you tell me of how it formed, and what can be done with it? I’d also like to know what you believe your powers are.”

  “My powers are, as Rachel said, broader than I initially believed. When we set up the appointment, I thought that I only possessed the captivation field. Oh, I have physical and mental abilities beyond those of most humans, but that’s merely the result of my biology, not any powers,” Lilith began, and paused for a moment, trying to determine how to explain what she was thinking.

  “I take it that’s no longer the case?” Allison prompted, and quickly added. “Also, while I appreciate your desire to interject, ladies, please allow Lilith to answer the questions. It’s her answers that will reveal the most about her abilities.”

  Gina nodded readily, and Lilith held back a smile as she saw Rachel practically bite her tongue to keep from saying anything. Taking a deep breath, Lilith focused on the questions and continued. “The first hint that my powers were more expansive was when I found myself able to see a conduit of magic flowing between Gina and an assailant of hers. It felt like I could almost touch it, but it wasn’t physical. The conduit was broken, but when it shattered, magic was released. Since I was next to the conduit when it broke I absorbed the magic, and it felt like something woke up within me at the time.”

  “Interesting, a second stage awakening…” Allison murmured, but waved off Lilith’s questioning look. “No, no, finish your explanation first. I’ll explain afterward if you’d like.”

  “As you say. I didn’t notice anything else at the time, save for severe dizziness for a minute or two. That changed, umm…” Lilith paused, looking at Rachel hesitantly, uncertain how to address the encounter with Black Harbinger and Pyroclasm.

  “She’s aware I’m Morgan, Lilith, so go ahead and tell her,” Rachel said, settling back in her chair and her lips curving in a gentle smile as she added, “Thank you for your reticence, though.”

  Lilith nodded, noticing the slight smile on Allison’s face as she continued. “Thank you, Rachel. Well, during the fight with Black Harbinger and Pyroclasm, Rachel was critically injured and I managed to get to her. When I looked at her, I realized I could sense her injuries somehow, and it felt like I could fix them, if only I could touch the wounds. Mentally touch, I mean. Instinctively I knew… that I needed her permission, her trust, to do it. So I focused everything on her, to pull her out of shock, to make her focus on me. I asked her for permission, to trust me, and she did. So I went in to heal the injuries. I didn’t… do much; I just directed her body to fix itself, and it was exhausting. I almost passed out before finishing, but I managed it eventually. After finishing, I lost consciousness, and Blooming Orchid said it put a severe strain on my body. To my knowledge, that’s now the extent of my powers.”

  “I would disagree with Lilith on that being all of her powers,” Rachel interjected politely.

  “Oh?” Allison asked, turning her gaze to Rachel. “Why is that?”

  “While I believe that she’s right about her description of what happened, after I was healed I felt my magic abruptly surge in strength for several minutes. I’m not sure what happened, but I suspect that Lilith somehow empowered my magic,” Rachel explained, and Gina nodded.

  “I didn’t fully realize it at the time, as my powers had been sealed for a while, but it happened to me, too,” Gina agreed. “My magic was more potent than it had been to begin with, and it increased still more for a little while.”

  “I see. Quite interesting… I have an inkling of how your powers might work, Lilith, but that will have to wait until we’ve run you through the tests,” Allison said, sitting up straight again, then taking out a tablet and stylus to make a few notes.

  “What did you mean by ‘second stage awakening?’” Lilith asked curiously. “I haven’t heard the term before.”

  “Ah, of course. In extremely rare circumstances, superhumans don’t manifest all of their powers at once. It’s possible that all superhumans have suppressed, stronger versions of their powers, but those who unlock this ‘second stage’ are extremely rare, on the order of less than one in fifty thousand superhumans,” Allison explained, nodding at Lilith. “Your powers were obviously mostly dormant until your encounter with the magical cloud. Now, I’ve heard rumors of a third stage to powers, but there’ve been no confirmed cases as of yet.”

  “Are you serious? Anyone could potentially have stronger abilities?” Gina asked, sitting up abruptly.

  “While I’m quite serious, I’m afraid that this isn’t the case with spellcasters,” Allison replied gently, laughing as she explained. “Your powers can grow as you learn more and grow more skilled in shaping them, unlike most superpowers which either simply work or don’t. I wouldn’t expect your powers to ever undergo a second stage awakening, Gina.”

  “Drat. I could hope, couldn’t I?” Gina slumped backward in disappointment and Lilith laughed, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze.

  “I think you’re strong enough as it is. Didn’t you just say your power grew recently, anyway?” Lilith comforted Gina, amusement bubbling up inside her.

  “She did. In fact, I’m fairly certain she’s stronger than I am now,” Rachel added. “It’s terribly unfair.”

  “While that may be true, the two of you aren’t the ones who made the appointment,” Allison said, standing up and looking to Lilith as she smiled. “If you’d follow me? Let’s get the physical tests out of the way, then we can work through your powers.”

  “That does seem reasonable,” Lilith agreed, standing up to follow Allison as she left the room. The woman seemed nice enough, so she wasn’t too worried about the testing anymore.

  Chapter 2

  Friday, December 20th, 2030

  SuperNet HQ, San Francisco

  Allison Gambry wasn’t nice, Lilith decided three hours later. She was merciless and sadistic
, and through everything she kept a pleasant, friendly smile on her face that almost made the experience worse.

  “That’s it for the physical tests, I think. It’s fascinating how much you can manage, but it’s still within the bounds of a class B superhuman by a bit,” Allison said, making another note on her tablet as Lilith tried to recover. Looking up, Allison considered a moment before adding. “I think we can wait for about two minutes before moving on to the next segment. You should have recovered enough by that point.”

  “Shouldn’t you give her a bit longer than that? You were making her dodge high-speed balls in a high-G environment!” Gina protested, looking slightly stunned. “It seems a little extreme since I don’t remember anything like this in my test!”

  “That’s because your powers only provide about a fifty percent boost over your apparent physique, and very little of that is applied to your speed, Gina,” Allison replied absently, flicking her stylus across the surface of her tablet. “The goal here is to quantify Lilith’s powers, and that can’t be done if she isn’t pushed to her limits. Power testing isn’t an exact science.”

  Lilith shook her head and interrupted Gina as she inhaled, somewhat breathless herself as she spoke. “It’s fine, Gina. I’m… a bit winded, tired, and sore, yes, but I’ll be alright. These tests are certainly more… thorough than the training I went through growing up.”

  “I suspect that’s because your training was intended to be sustainable over long periods of time. This isn’t,” Rachel said tartly, glancing at Allison suspiciously. “Even so, I’ve never heard of tests quite like this before. Are you sure you’ll be alright?”